Due to Google's deprecaton of the Social Graph API this script likely won't be updated to work with the new Twitter design.

OtherMes is a Greasemonkey script that adds icons to tweets showing the Twitter users' profiles on other social networks.

It's built and tested on Firefox 5 and Chrome Canary (what will become Chrome 13). It utilizes Google's Social Graph API to discover other profiles. It can be a Facebook account, a Google+ account or an about page on a blog.

Install it

  1. Make sure you have Greasemonkey installed - otherwise install it.
  2. Install the userscript by clicking here.


Reinstall the script to get the updates.

Be part of the social graph

By making sure there are links between all of your profiles marked up with rel="me" you should get them included when people indexes your social graph. If you can - make the rel="me" links bidirectional to make them more trustworthy.

Combine rel="me" with rel="author" relations to also tie your content in to the social graph.

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